Real people. Real life. Real God.
Services begin at 11am on Sunday, and generally last until 12:05pm.
How Do I Dress?
There is no special dress code. Simply put, just come as you are! There is a wide variety of styles of dress in which people come. Some dress very casual (jeans, or shorts in summer, and t-shirts), while others dress more formal (with a few men in suits and ties, and a few ladies in dresses).
We have parking available on both sides of the church, with the much larger lot being on the east side, between the church and New York Pizzeria.
What Door Do I Use?
Please come to the front door (up the stone steps), although see section titled “Handicap Access” if applicable. Once in the front door, please head up either set of stairs on the left or right.
Handicap Access?
Yes, we have full handicap access. Enter the left hand door by the underpass and go straight ahead. You will see our Welcome Center and there is a lift to the right. This will take you to the second floor where you will be able to access the auditorium.
We have restrooms near the front entrance, which after you first enter the church are located down three steps and then on the left and right. We have a handicap accessible bathroom near the side entrance in the underpass. And we also have restrooms in the gymnasium section.
We have updated our wooden pews to new, padded chairs. There are no assigned seats, so please feel free to sit wherever you like!
When Do I Stand or Sit?
We always announce when we would like folks to stand, and then let them know when to sit, so you don’t have to wonder. However, if you are not physically able, do not worry about having to stand.
Will I Be Asked to Say Anything?
No, not at all. We respect your privacy, and are just glad you came. The only thing we do is give you a visitor card, asking for your name and e-mail address (see section on Visitor Card).
Visitor Card?
We have a great resource available, and we want to make it available to everyone, even our visitors! So we give all our visitors a card, asking for their name and e-mail address. With your e-mail address, we will give you the opportunity to have access to RightNow Media, an incredible on-line library of videos, including a short video series about Jesus Christ and God’s love for us (which answers a lot of questions that many of us have!).
Am I Going to Be Asked for Money?
No, because as our guest we are just thrilled you came. However, we DO have an offering box placed at the front and back of the auditorium. But, you are NOT expected to give anything! If you want to give something, that is fine, but nobody is expecting it.
Singing is a beautiful way that we express our love to God. At FBC Marathon, we sing a variety of styles of music, from upbeat contemporary Christian music to traditional hymns.
Yes, we do preach sermons around here! God spoke to us many years ago in a book we call the Bible. It is His word to us, giving us wisdom and truth for our lives. A “sermon” (also called a “message”) is taking the Bible, explaining in simple terms what it means, and then applying it to our lives in the 21st century.
What About My Kids?
Our goals for your children are safety, fun, and learning. We have a great kid's program for ages 3 to 5 after the music during the church service! The Sunday School teacher will direct the children downstairs after the music has finished.